Tree Plantation

Plant the Hope and never stop

Be An Angel aims to support the ecological balance, by encouraging, supporting, and implementing tree plantation and conservation.

“Gift the shade to the future generation, just like you were gifted by your ancestors”

India owned 31.3 Mha of forest in the year 2010, which was 11% of the total land area. However, the end of 2020, saw a loss of 132 kha of natural forests, which led to an undesirable increase in CO2 emissions. (Source: Global Forest Watch)

The trees, plants, and forests are sources of a wide variety of flora and fauna. They are the rich sources of the oxygen we breathe, monsoons, medicines, fruits, manure, fuel, wood, and a lot more.

Plants purify the air we breathe, drinking water, and also provide safe habitat to about 80% of the terrestrial biodiversity across the world.

None other than the plants and trees help retain the soil moisture, fertility and reduce the unsuitable effects of the greenhouse gases, excess CO, and CO2 emissions.

Human demand and industrialization led to the unpleasant destruction of trees and greenery. Many fertile lands have turned to be futile,

The deforestation and lack of growing trees continue and hence, prevail as a threat to biodiversity and the ecological balance.

Undoubtedly, deforestation also affects the livelihood of about 275 million people, who solely depend on the forests for their wood, fuel, fodder, and other products.

“Embrace the greens and breathe the freshness”

Be An Angel provides support for planting, by helping the people who wish to plant and grow trees.

Our volunteers are committed to safeguarding the responsibility of making your wish to grow trees, a reality.

Be an Angel works to build a green economy and cuddle Mother Nature with eternal beauty.

Our key responsibilities include:

●Support the environmental conservation by planting and growing trees

●Be a bridge to mobilize funds and reach it to the right hands to grow trees

●Help organizations to execute the common go green goals.

” By planting a tree, you find ways to open the doorway to sustainability”

Be the tree ambassadors and drive the restoration of the ecosystem to equip the future generation with respect and love for the greener planet.

Planting a tree is not a solitary task, it is a result of collective efforts and work made by the citizens for the progress and refinement of the beloved mother country.

“It’s not about planting plenty, it’s about pampering, loving, and taking care of at least one”

Be An Angel aims not just to plant a tree, but to pamper and nurture it for a better future.

Our dedicated team of volunteers is eager to make your plantation drives memorable and worthy, without risking the true spirit of the social responsibility and desire towards the conservation of nature.

The ideal time to plant a sapling wasn’t yesterday, it isn’t today, it wouldn’t be tomorrow, it is ‘NOW’!